
Goodbye 2017 by Tess Meyer

Alright, so after a year of paying for my website I've finally managed to force myself to focus for a short amount of time to put together the start of my blog. I'm not a big writer so I'm hoping to show and explain most of my posts mainly through the pictures I take. So somehow I've very quickly managed to get myself out of Canada and journey all the way out onto Kona, Hawaii. I am so very thankful to God for my supportive family members that never give up on me and always have faith. So, if you weren't already aware, I decided only a few days before Christmas that I was going to apply for the photography YWAM on the Big Island to try and "find myself," as cliche as it sounds. If you don’t know what YWAM is, it's basically a 6 month program split in half. The first three months is the lecture phase, D.T.S (Discipleship training school), where you learn about God and prepare for the second part. For the next three months you're given a country to visit where you help the less fortunate and tell the gospel about Jesus. So basically I've just felt something missing from my life the past few years and I thought ‘eh, what better place to search for something lost than in Hawaii.’ If you got the T.V. show reference we are now best friends. Anyways. It feels right that I'm literally leaving 2017 behind by taking off on a plane right at the beginning of the year. I'm starting off fresh and leaving everything behind. I prayed lots for this to work out and, to be honest, like most of the people here I was just very excited to get as far away from all the cold as possible. I was accepted to the program within only a matter of days and I had very typically only bought my plane ticket and medical insurance the night before heading off. As frantic as it felt getting everything ready in time, I feel confident knowing that God orchestrated everything so gracefully in His own timing and I'm very excited to see what He has in store for me during these next few months.